The Day Love Was Quarantined - Weekend Service March 14-15
A leper came to him, begging on his knees, “If you want to, you can cleanse me.” Deeply moved, Jesus put out his hand, touched him, and said, “I want to. Be clean.” Then and there the leprosy was gone, his skin smooth and healthy.
Mark 1:40-45
We humans have a deep, deep need for human touch.
People who experience meaningful touch regularly have a longer life expectancy than those who are starved for meaningful touch.
Our country is currently in the process of making ourselves “untouchables.” This is a concerning circumstance considering our need for human connection and touch.
There is a way to strike a balance between wisdom and maintaining or even increasing human connection in our lives.
Visit our services online this weekend as we begin a new mini series.
When Love Was Quarantined
As you are in the process of un-making plans for your week and un-forming habits you would’ve naturally engaged in consider these questions. Allow them to guide all of your un-doing towards love and away from fear.
1. Which extreme do you tend toward naturally?
The Bubble-Wrapped
The Touching LifeLepers Life
2. Pandemic + Nothing = Fear
Pandemic + Love = Security
Which is it for you?
The surest way to deal with fear is not to try to eliminate fear. The surest way to deal with fear is love because love and fear cannot exist in your brain at the same time.
3. Underneath all fears is the fear something will happen that I can't handle. Why can you believe today that you can handle this unknown?
4. One writer said, “The leper did not infect Jesus with his sickness. Jesus infected the leper with his life.” Have you experienced the “Immaculate Infection?” Would this be a good time to constantly invite Love Incarnated to “infect” you?