7 Miles to Hope - Introduction

This season is calling us to move through the Easter event in a brand new way by paying attention to the life, death, and life again that is all around us right now. For the next few days, we’re inviting you to join us on a walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Here’s what we’re asking all of SouthBrook to do:

  • Read the story of the resurrection in Luke 24. If you’ve never read through the Gospels before, you may want to back up a few chapters and read about the days that led up to this moment.

  • Watch the videos as we release them leading up to our Easter weekend service on Sunday at 10 AM. We will release one video a day from Wednesday through Saturday at 9 AM. Then, we will all digitally meet together for one online service on Sunday, April 12, at 10 AM.

  • When you watch, get ready to move. You might do this along with your family or roommates. If you’re isolated or quarantined, you might connect with someone virtually and go through them together over the phone.

  • For every part of the story, we’ve included some ideas for you; to gather artifacts, to take pictures, to post responses online, and to add your voice to the hashtags (#7milestohope) just like you might add your voice to a song. We’ve imagined people driving around their neighborhood for this, but you could also take a long walk each day. If you’re more comfortable staying inside, you might search for some visuals to open up your imagination along the way.

  • Gather some props: You may want a paper to write on or draw on. You might want some snacks in case some young folks join you for the experience. You may want to carry some chalk along with you in case you want to leave a message for a neighbor.

More than ever, we need to be able to process the life and death and resurrection that we see all around us in the world. And we need to pay attention to how Christ is in this with us, and we are in it with each other.

Join us for Seven Miles to Hope.