Weekend Service - The Day Love Was Quarantined Part 3 - March 28-29

Weekend Group Questions

Group Questions:

1 Hebrews 10:39 says, “We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” 

Under stress is your tendency to shrink back or move forward?

2 “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” Are you praying about what scares you?

3 A Tend-and-Befriend response makes you SOCIAL, BRAVE, AND SMART. Be honest, are you feeling it? If you are not, could it be because you have allowed stress to make you shrink back?

4 So, maybe you are feeling overwhelmed. Look for a way to do something for someone else that goes beyond your daily responsibilities. This message is dedicated to our courageous medical workers who are on the front lines. 

What can you do? 

Any small action will not only affect that person(s) but will also bless you!

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